Street with potholes image

There are many challenges facing Hollister. I have identified four areas of focus that I want to work to improve:

Our infrastructure is aging, and our roads and alleys are in disrepair. We need to focus especially on improving roadways to help ease traffic issues. The IT infrastructure at City Hall is seriously outdated, and needs an upgrade to improve efficiency in daily operations. Our downtown is seeing the beginning of revitalization with the new Community Foundation and other construction. We must seize this spark and continue to improve and beautify our downtown. I plan to aggressively pursue grants and other funding to repair infrastructure and revitalize downtown. Beautifying our downtown will not only bring vibrancy, but also be a beacon to draw in potential new businesses who look to the downtown in assessing whether to locate their businesses here.

I will work collaboratively with the county and other agencies to encourage new business and jobs that will strengthen our local economy, provide revenue streams, and improve our quality of life. We cannot continue to build new homes and strain our infrastructure, we need to focus on bringing more revenue in to support and maintain infrastructure. We must carefully manage and focus state-required housing towards more affordable options for Hollister and also encourage and incentivize small infill projects. Expanding parks and green spaces, supporting youth and senior programs as well as adequately funding health and safety services will improve and enrich life in Hollister.

Transparency and accountability are important to building community trust.  Residents have a right to be informed about what is happening in local government, and to have their voices be heard and respected. I commit to developing an extensive communication plan that will provide regular engagement with the community. As a public servant, I will always listen to members of the community, and respect their voices, and their rights.

After everything we have been through in the past few years, it is time for the community to come together. I can bring the leadership we need to build a collaborative council that works together civilly and gets things done. I am a consensus builder and will work hard to bring government, local agencies and the community together to build a coalition that works from a position of strength–facing our challenges and working toward a common vision that will build a positive future for Hollister, while respecting and preserving our heritage.

I would love to hear from you regarding your concerns and desires for our city. Please feel free to contact me:  [email protected]