Speaking at Hollister Gavilan College Groundbreaking

Our campaign relies on your support to help deliver our message to voters throughout the city and run a successful campaign. Please make sure to include all required information with your contribution. *Please note that contribution limits have changed for the City of Hollister in 2024. The maximum allowed contribution per donor per election cycle is $5500.00.

Thank you!

Donar en línea

Por medio de un cheque

Si desea enviarnos un cheque por correo, asegúrese de incluir su ocupación y empleador.

Contributions limits for the city of Hollister have changed, the maximum allowable contribution per donor per election may not exceed $5500. Contributions are NOT tax-deductible.

Make checks payable to: Mia Casey for Mayor of Hollister 2024

Mailing address:

1760 Airline Highway, Suite F, Box 158
Hollister, CA 95023